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Buy a Bike #somethingfortheweekend June 9, 2012

Posted by CMK in Cycling, Keeping fit and healthy in 15MI, something for the weekend.

I have made the decision to buy a bike. Great for keeping active, handy to use around town and something to do on the weekend. Not to mention Bristol is very bike friendly.

If you don’t own a bike why don’t you own one? I suggest you go out and treat yourself to one this weekend. Plenty of places do “refurbished” second hand bikes, or there is always the police auctions and you get great bikes at affordable prices.

If you are lucky enough to work at an office that offers a bike to work scheme – seriously look into this. It makes the bike (and all the accessories) much more affordable.

So this weekend, buy a bike. (or at least windowshop) and check whether you have a bike to work scheme listed on your benefits.

It will keep you occupied for weekends to come (and help keep you fit and healthy).


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